Neofollics skjeggveksttabletter
Neofollics skjeggveksttabletter er utviklet for et fyldigere og tykkere skjegg og bart. Den er formulert med en effektiv, klinisk bevist kombinasjon av aktive ingredienser.
Kosttilskuddene er bra for alle menn som ønsker følgende:
- Stimulere hårveksten i ansiktet for et tykkere og fyldigere skjegg
- Fullføre skjeggvekstbehandlingen ved å stimulere skjeggveksten også innenfra
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Facial hair growth is slightly different from the hair on the head. Beard growth in men is induced by testosterone. The Beard Growth Supporting Tablets are designed to naturally increase testosterone levels and improve the overall health of beard hairs, while the Hair Growth Supporting Tablets promote hair growth while reducing DHT levels.
The purpose of Beard Growth Tablets is to serve as a dietary supplement specifically formulated to stimulate beard hair growth. By providing essential nutrients from the inside, these tablets aim to enhance the growth of both beard and moustache hair.
If you have low testosterone levels, it is possible to take both the hair growth and beard growth tablets together. However, it is advisable to seek medical advice before doing so.
Testosterone and DHT play vital roles in beard growth, influenced by genetics, age, and hormonal factors. Testosterone supports the health of hair follicles, while DHT promotes linear hair growth. Various factors, such as poor health and certain medical conditions, can also impact beard growth. Consequently, Neofollics Beard Growth Supporting Tablets are enriched with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support optimal beard growth.