Get thicker hair: This is how!

For many women it's written at the top of their wish list: Getting thicker hair. Long, full hair is shown on the screen in every commercial break and shines on Pinterest profiles with great hairstyles and wonderfully thick, braided pigtails. It only leaves you with one question: how do you get thick hair? When it comes to hair, unfortunately, much of it is genetically determined. However, there are actually some factors that have a great impact on the appearance of the hair and can make it thicker. Here are the best tips and tricks for fuller hair.

Get thicker hair: This is how!

Get thicker hair: This is how!

For many women it's written at the top of their wish list: Getting thicker hair. Long, full hair is shown on the screen in every commercial break and shines on Pinterest profiles with great hairstyles and wonderfully thick, braided pigtails. It only leaves you with one question: how do you get thick hair? When it comes to hair, unfortunately, much of it is genetically determined. However, there are actually some factors that have a great impact on the appearance of the hair and can make it thicker. Here are the best tips and tricks for fuller hair.

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Hair density and hair thickness: this is the difference

Getting thick hair is the goal of many women in their daily hair routine. But even men, who tend to have relatively little hair, often ask themselves the question: how do I get thicker hair? The good news: to a certain extent, the thickness of the hair can be influenced. But how do you get thicker hair? In fact, what is usually meant by this is not necessarily thick hair at all, but mainly dense hair. It is not a question of increasing the diameter of the individual hairs, but above all of allowing more hairs to grow, so that the hair density also increases visually. Getting thick hair is accordingly possible even with genetically determined, fine hair, if you approach it correctly and use the right means and methods.

How to get thicker hair?

Shampoo that makes hair thicker is one of the best and easiest methods to get thicker hair. For many, shampooing is an integral part of the daily grooming ritual. Thus, a shampoo is used at least several times a week and is thus an essential factor of the appearance of the hair. There are now numerous companies that offer shampoos that make hair thicker and have a positive effect on the hair. While you can find in drugstores already for little money, all those who have been dealing with the subject for a longer time know that especially medically tested shampoos can make a big difference when it comes to getting thicker hair.

Therefore, if you want your hair to look thicker, it is advisable to use a shampoo that makes your hair look thicker, such as Beaver Kreatin Shampoo and Beaver Kreatin Conditioner. However, when it comes to actually getting more hair, then Neofollics is in especially high demand. Neofollics or Veta stimulates hair growth and thus has a decisive influence on the appearance of the hair. If one really wants to get more hair, the use of a hair growth product like Neofollics is a real top tip to achieve the desired result. Neofollics shampoo, Neofollics conditioner as well as Neofollics tablets are suitable for this purpose.

Especially women who care a lot about their hair also like to use various tools to get their hair in shape. However, the excessive use of styling tools or too high a temperature of the straightening iron, can have a negative effect on the hair. In this case, it is highly recommended to use the styling tools consciously, to use a heat protector and thus to stress the hair less in order to get thicker hair.

Beaver Professional's Keratin hair thickening shampoo and conditioner are hair thickening products that improve the overall condition of the scalp, strengthen the hair and intensively cleanse it. Nourish the hair and make thin hair fuller Nourish the hair and complement each other perfectly

Getting thicker hair for medical reasons

In some cases, the desire for thicker hair has deeper reasons than meeting the ideal image of the beauty industry. Especially people who have very thin hair due to genetics or suffer from hereditary hair loss as well as hormonal hair loss are often looking for tips to get thicker hair again. In this case, high-quality shampoos for thicker hair are an absolute must. In addition, the intake of various important vitamins and minerals is useful to create the basis for healthy hair growth. A wholesome diet also plays a major role. However, in cases of sudden severe hair loss in women, this is not enough, and sometimes even stronger means are needed to stimulate hair growth. Minoxidil is a useful remedy here, but other lotions can also be helpful.


Stronger, fuller hair in 2 months? Sounds too good to be true - and it is. While there are numerous remedies that contribute significantly to a full head of hair, as always when it comes to hair, it's a matter of patience. It always takes several months of time, a lot of discipline and the use of the right means if you want to make your hair thicker. But the effort is worth it, because with a little background knowledge and selected, high-quality shampoos and products, you can actually make even thin hair thicker and one day look in the mirror with a whole new hair feeling.

Neofollics shampoo + conditioner combination pack - Hair Growth Specialist
Neofollics shampoo + conditioner combination pack - Hair Growth Specialist
Neofollics hair growth shampoo + conditioner (250 ml)
Neofollics hair growth shampoo + conditioner (250 ml)
Dry hair, 2x 250 ml
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Veta shampoo + conditioner combination pack (250 ml) - Hair Growth Specialist
Veta shampoo + conditioner combination pack (250 ml) - Hair Growth Specialist
Veta shampoo + conditioner combination pack (250 ml)
Veta shampoo + conditioner combination pack (250 ml)
Dry hair, 2x 250 ml
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