Hormonal hair loss among women

Hormonal hair loss among women

About 50% of women who suffer from fluctuating hormone balances experience hair loss. These hormonal fluctuations can occur, for example, due to menopause but also during and after pregnancy, when estrogen levels drop again. When hormonal hair loss occurs suddenly, we also call it telogen effluvium. Telogen effluvium is usually temporary in nature, but it can take quite some time before the hair comes back. In the case of hair loss related to menopause, the hair loss can also become chronic (lasting more than 6 months) and last a much longer time. If you catch it in time, you can greatly reduce hair loss and even stimulate regrowth.

Straight to treatment

How do you recognize hormonal hair loss?

Hair loss caused by hormones is characterized by sudden, diffuse hair loss. The hair becomes thinner over the entire head. Normally we lose about 100 hairs per day, if you suffer from this type of hair loss this can increase to 400 hairs per day. Hormonal hair loss occurs at all ages. During pregnancy, the body produces extra estrogen, a hormone that causes the growth phase (also called anagen phase) of the hair to be extended. After pregnancy, these estrogen levels drop back to their normal levels and a larger amount of hair simultaneously moves into the resting phase (telogen phase). Since such a phase normally lasts about 2-6 months, it can take some time for the hair to fully recover. Sometimes this can take up to a year. Hormonal hair loss is not to be confused with hereditary hair loss. Hereditary hair loss is caused by a sensitivity to the hormone DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), where hormonal hair loss is caused by fluctuations in hormone balance and a sudden drop/rise in estrogen in the body.

Treatment against hormonal hair loss

Recognizable by:

  • Sudden hair loss
  • Thinning hair over the entire head
  • Changing hormones due to pregnancy or menopause
  • Your hair loss has been going on for quite some time now and suddenly seems to be getting worse. Your hair is starting to get thinner and thinner all over your head and your hair is limp, thin and lifeless.

Treatment option 1

With this type of hair loss, it is important to restore the hormonal balance as much as possible where possible. There are several active substances that influence this, such as isoflavones. Isoflavones are also called phyto-oestrogen and are similar to the female estrogen hormones. You can find these in the Neofollics tablets.

The Neofollics shampoo, possibly supplemented with Neofollics conditioner, stimulates the regrowth of your hair. They also bring your scalp and hair into optimal condition with maximum care. The combination of products ensures a more powerful effect and a greater chance of rapid hair growth.

Treatment for moderate hormonal hair loss

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This treatment for moderate hormonal hair loss contains a powerful combination of the Neofollics Shampoo and the Neofollics Tablets. By using the combination of these products together, you prevent further hair loss and the general condition of the hair improves. With the Neofollics Shampoo you have a topical product to stimulate hair growth from the outside. With the Neofollics Tablets you will stimulate healthy hair growth from the inside. This treatment contains the highly effective Neoxyl 7% formula which has no side-effects.

Treatment option 2

Supplementation with MSM powder

Neofollics tablets + Neofollics shampoo + HGS MSM powder (500 grams)

You can supplement the treatment with MSM powder, a body's own substance. MSM powder ensures healthy hair growth, less hair breakage and a beautiful shine in the hair.

Treatment for advanced hormonal hair loss

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This treatment for advanced hormonal hair loss contains a powerful combination of the Neofollics Shampoo, the Neofollics Tablets and MSM-powder. By using the combination of these products together, you prevent further hair loss and makes sure the general condition of the hair improves. 

With the Neofollics Shampoo you have a topical product to stimulate hair growth from the outside. With the Neofollics Tablets you will stimulate healthy hair growth from the inside. The tablets contain the highly effective Neoxyl 7% formula which has no side-effects.

MSM-powder is native to the body and it ensures healthy hair growth, reduced hair breakage and gives the hair a great shine.